
Our Wedding Fair – Sunday 8th April

Wedding Fair

Wedding Fair – Sunday 8th April

When it comes to your big day, if there’s something there to make things easier then we know you’d want to grab it with both hands. From wedding planning guides to to-do-lists, anything that takes the stress away from the big day can only be a good thing. Your wedding is one of the happiest days of your life and planning your happiest day shouldn’t be as stressful as some feel it is, which is why we hold our wedding fairs.

Here at That Amazing Place, we know only too well how much it can help to have everything in one place. From the wedding venue of your dreams to florists, DJ’s and more and that’s exactly what our wedding fairs offer. Designed specifically to provide a convenient way to see everything you could need to make your dream day come to fruition, under one roof. What’s more, we allow only the very best wedding suppliers to come along so we’re only too happy to boast that our wedding fairs offer you the chance to connect with some of Essex’s finest wedding suppliers there are.

We couldn’t be more pleased to have the fabulous Main Event Wedding Shows hosting our next wedding fair on Sunday 8th April. Our doors will open from 12pm to 4pm giving you more than enough time to pop along and meet every one of our fabulous wedding suppliers, glass of fizz in hand, and get to grips with some of the finest suppliers in Essex to ensure your wedding looks and feels as amazing as it is but that’s not all…

While you’re here at our wedding fair, you’ll also get the chance to walk the grounds of That Amazing Place and see for yourself, just why so many couples are choosing to say “I do” right here in our country house wedding venue. From the stunning views to our amazing wedding team who are on hand to help you in any way possible; you’ll get to see for yourself just why we’re called That Amazing Place.

So what are you waiting for? Make sure you’re available Sunday 8th April for the ultimate wedding shopping experience and your perfect chance to see one of the most popular wedding venues right here in the most beautiful Essex countryside. From our fabulous in-house team available to answer questions you may have to the fact that it’s a totally child friendly event, there’s absolutely nothing stopping you from taking the first steps to organising one of the most important days of your life. Head to That Amazing Place on Sunday 8th April for one of our amazing wedding fairs…we can’t wait to see you!

Being A Maid Of Honour

maid of honour

Being The Best Maid Of Honour

Being asked to be someone’s bridesmaid, or more specifically their maid of honour is a huge honour. It not only highlights the strong bond you have with that person but also just how much they trust you because let’s face it, it’s no easy job and will no doubt be up there with the bride herself on importance. So to ensure things go off without a hitch, we thought we’d put together a little guide to being the best maid of honour possible!

Enthusiasm – if you aren’t the wedding type, being enthusiastic when talking about bridal gowns, wedding colours and flowers is an absolute must. You may find yourself super surprised at just how much planning their big day will take over their life but it’s your job to go along for the ride and offer your honest opinion on everything; after all, you mean enough to the bride for her to ask you to be right there next to her on her big day.

Be Her Wing Woman – it doesn’t matter how in love with their future partner they are, the moment before a bride walks down that aisle will undoubtedly be one of the most nerve-wracking of their life so it’s down to you to keep her as calm as possible. The best way to do this is to let everyone know that should anything need attention or should anything go wrong, you’re the first point of call to help her avoid any unnecessary stress.

Take A Stand – there’s nothing wrong with being assertive and being honest, tactfully of course. You’re there to represent the entire group of bridesmaids in discussions so if a bridesmaid dress has been chosen that hits a few bad notes with some of the others, there’s no harm in bringing this subject up gently and simply raising concerns. Perhaps diplomatically suggest some other options or alterations that could make everyone happy.

Make Time – while it’s not your special day, it is your best friend’s special day so be sure to commit time and space in your diary for the bride to be to not only show that you’re there for her, but to ensure things are done in a timely manner. This will relieve a huge amount of stress for the bride to be. Of course, there will always be an occasion where you can’t make it for one reason or another and simply being genuine and upfront about this is all you’ll need to do. Make sure the bride knows just how much her big day means to you too.

If you’d like a little more help with her big day, then simply ask our fabulous Angie, right here at That Amazing Place. Angie has helped a number of happy couples organise their day and will be only too happy to help you too.

Dealing With Wedding Stress

wedding stress

It doesn’t matter how much you get organised or how much you think you won’t, weddings will always cause you to get a little stressed at times. Regardless of whether you get a little stressed or a lot, there are ways to help alleviate the stress and reduce its impact. From recognising the symptoms to seeing the bigger picture, here’s our ultimate guide to dealing with wedding stress.

Realise the symptoms – stress is something that people deal with on a daily basis and this is only accelerated when a wedding is involved. Recognising the warning signs is therefore incredibly important in the steps to being able to control and/or treat the symptoms. Whether it’s a lack of sleep, becoming more snappy or even forgetful, recognising your own symptoms of stress will help you to deal with them much better and in some cases, allow those closest to you to recognise the fact that you may be suffering from a little stress.

To do lists – as they say, there’s nothing like a good to do list to help you get things done. They can also prove to be incredibly helpful when it comes to preventing stress. Having something to look at in front of you, especially a list that you’re able to tick off as and when each task is completed can prove to be incredibly therapeutic. So make that list and tick off each task as you go.

Honesty is always the best policy – when working with suppliers, it’s always best to be considerate and of course polite but more-importantly, it’s best to be honest at all times. Remain honest and upfront at all times with suppliers with regards to what you want, when you want it and how you want it. If your budget won’t stretch to their suggestions, just let them know. Tell them your budget, what you can and can’t afford and when you need it by. You never know, you may even find the supplier is able to make you a deal after all, if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

Recognise a small problem is exactly that, small – there are times in life when we just need to let things go and during wedding planning, that couldn’t be more important. Being prepared to let the little things go will not only ensure your focus remains on the bigger things but will stop you becoming stressed over the smallest detail. You’ll soon realise, on the big day itself, that those little things really didn’t matter that much in the end.

While these tips may not be able to completely eradicate every ounce of stress leading up to your big day, they’ll certainly help. Is there really an answer to coping with wedding stress entirely? Perhaps not but humour, patience and intuition are the best qualities to help you battle stress as much as possible; that and of course the fabulous Angie right here at That Amazing Place who’ll be on hand every step of the way to help you as much you need on the lead up to your big day. For more information, simply contact us today.


How To Ensure A Fun Wedding Reception

While the wedding ceremony may be the most important aspect of your day, your wedding reception is probably the part of your big day that your guests are looking forward to the most; getting it right, therefore is vitally important and one way to ensure it’s perfect is to make sure it’s fun. Here are some top tips to ensure you have a fun wedding reception from beginning to end.

  1. Arrange your seating thoughtfully – this may sound like a very obvious notion but it’s important to ensure decent and solid seating arrangement. Ensure each guest is with someone they know and people they get along with. While it may seem a great idea to play matchmaker, it never is. Just remember, while they’re there for you, they’re also there to catch up with friends too so let them enjoy themselves as much as possible. In other words, sit your younger cousins with other kids their age and let your school friends sit next to each other too.
  2. Give out amazing wedding favours – show your guests just how much you appreciate them with amazing wedding favours from take home treats such as donuts, coffee beans and mini bottles of prosecco to a cute plant, a pair of sunglasses or even a key ring with your wedding date and initials as a sweet memento.
  3. Don’t overrun on the toasts – we all love toasts, especially when they’re funny. We all love to relive amusing stories but they can become an issue when they start to drag on somewhat. Anything longer than five minutes and you’ll start to lose their attention.
  4. Keep the little ones entertained – having children at your wedding is a debate that’s often revisited on many a wedding forum but for those who’ve decided to invite the little ones, it’s important to ensure they’re entertained. Give them a designated area in which to play and have fun. You could even arrange for a children’s entertainer to set up movies, games and arts and crafts in a separate room to keep them entertained. A little extra time spent on the kids entertainment will ensure a fun and enjoyable wedding reception for you.
  5. Keep your first dance fun and unique – it’s always fun to shake things up and that’s especially so during your first dance. All eyes will be on you so it’s the perfect opportunity to really wow your guests with a little something special. Anything from jazzing up a romantic start with a classic dance song, welcoming everyone onto the dance floor to a group dance that gets everyone involved; whatever you feel suits you most and makes it something fun to remember.
  6. Offer the chance to change – we all love dressing up but there’s something we all love even more and that’s taking off those restrictive clothes and putting on something more comfortable. From a basket of flip flops for tired feet to giving everyone the opportunity to change into their comfy clothes for the remainder of the evening; ensuring your guests are comfy is a great way of ensuring everyone enjoys themselves even more.


Do you have some more tips for a fun and exciting wedding reception? Then let us know in the comments below!! Better yet, check out our suppliers page and find some fab entertainers to keep things fun and fresh at your upcoming wedding reception.


A Spring Bride Needs A Spring Hairdo…

spring bride

Are you getting married this coming spring? Then we’re guessing you’ll be enjoying your bridal hair trial sometime soon and what better way to stay prepared as a spring bride than to have a few ideas in your back pocket. Here are just a few fab spring wedding hairstyle ideas for the perfect inspiration…

Straight, smooth and sleek – the greatest thing about spring is that the weather remains pretty mild, neither too hot or too cold and that always gives you so much more wiggle room when it comes to your hair. Straight and sleek hairstyles are the ideal choice during a season when there’s far less chance of frizz so enjoy it while you can. If you’d like to jazz it up then perhaps look at sparkly silver tiaras or even sparkly fascinators to take it from an everyday look to something really special.

Keep it floral – when you think of spring, flowers in bloom will always “spring” to mind (pardon the pun) so if you’re looking for a thoroughly spring filled theme, think flowers. Keep it seasonal to really feel the airs of spring and keep costs down too. You could even extend this to your bridal look too. You could even match your wedding hairstyle to your floral bouquet to really keep things looking together. This look is particularly good for those who choose a simple wedding dress.

spring bride

Pretty curls – whether you’re naturally curly or not, a curly ‘do’ on your wedding day is nothing short of perfect for a spring wedding. Taking into consideration the low chance of frizz and of course, the versatility of curly hair and it’s easy to see just why it’s such a popular choice. Being so versatile means you also have the ability to make it as dramatic as you want too.

Bohemian beauty – if you’re leaning toward a bohemian style wedding dress then you’ll need the ultimate bohemian hairstyle to match and there’s more than one way to unleash your inner hippy. Think messy waves, think flowers and of course, think plaits. Fishtail plaits are incredibly popular at the moment, along with ombre hair. This is where baylage hair makes a big impact too. Make the most of your unique hair colour and nail the boho vibe with those all-important accessories.

Non committal hair – not sure whether you want an updo or long flowing tresses? Then enjoy the best of both worlds and opt for half up and half down. This is such a classic do it was even selected by the amazing Kate Middleton back in 2011. One of the greatest things about this hairstyle is that you can make it as glamorous or as simplistic as possible. Plaits can be added, or simply a wedding veil for a more traditional appearance.

If you’d like more information on bridal hair and make-up or if you’d like to find a tried and tested make-up and hair stylist for your big day, check out our list of suppliers for the best professionals out there.


Wedding Transportation Ideas

wedding transportation

Thinking of ways to arrive at your wedding in style? Want something different to the run of the mill limousine or classic car? Then check out this awesome list of suggestions we’ve compiled thanks to our own experience with some seriously happy, and might we add, creative couples who’ve said “I do” right here at That Amazing Place.

Horse and Carriage – while this may sound like a traditional option, it’s one that’s not chosen as much as people think. Horse and carriage is a hugely grand way to make an entrance and can be as traditional or as contemporary as you like. From the breed of horse you select, to your carriage. It can be created to your own bespoke desires (to an extent), to reflect your wedding style and your own personality and let’s face it, there’s nothing quite as breath taking as the sight and sound of horses bringing a bride to her big day.

Vintage Bikes – vintage bikes are an incredibly fun way to arrive on your big day. Not only are they super fun and the perfect choice for the more active couple, but they also happen to make a pretty fab prop once you’re done with them. Rest them against your venue or better still, use them in the background for added fun in your wedding photos. You might want to ensure your journey to your big day isn’t up hill though.

wedding transportation

Bus – the bus is a great British tradition but once again, it’s one that can be made to be as traditional or as contemporary as you wish with the help of a few decorations and of course, your choice of make and model. It’s also great for saving a few pennies here and there as it has the ability to transport all of your guests too. Is the groom feeling nervous about arriving on his own? Then have him accompanied by all of his guests. Buses are a great way to keep it fun and whether you opt for something modern or a classic Routemaster is totally down to you.

Tractor – are you a lover of your rural roots or do you want to fit in with the countryside theme of your wedding venue? Then why not try something totally different like an awesome and might we add, seriously powerful looking Tractor. Try asking a local Farmer. Let’s not forget the amazing photo opportunities and be sure to grab a pair of “weddingtons” (wedding wellies) to really complete the rural look.

Helicopter – if you’re lucky enough to have the budget then why not opt for a James Bond style entrance with the help of a helicopter? Do bear in mind you’ll have to gain consent of the venue and quite possibly surrounding residences/farmers but my goodness, what an entrance to your big day. Just be sure not to get your veil caught in the blades!

Stay At Your Venue The Night Before – here at That Amazing Place, we have a number of happy couples opting to stay at our venue the night before the big day for so many reasons. From the savings you’ll make not having to pay out for transport to your wedding venue to the fact that you’ll be free of a lot of stress the morning of your nuptials. There’s no worry about whether your transport will turn up, nor whether traffic will make you late. You’ll be there bright and early and able to get ready at a leisurely pace.
