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We’re An Award-Winning Wedding Venue

Award-winning wedding venue

When it comes to choosing your wedding venue, we know the initial glance can make or break it. Thankfully, our stunning country house wedding venue really does have the wow factor, which is why countless couples book to say “I do”, every single day. While this may be enough for some, here at That Amazing Place, we like to go that extra step further. From the wedding venue itself, to what goes on behind the scenes; we want to not only satisfy the wonderful guests and happy couples we have here, but blow them away. So how can we show that we go above and beyond at every chance possible? By showing you that we’re recognised for doing so. That’s right! Here at That Amazing Place, we aren’t just a beautiful wedding venue, we’re an award-winning wedding venue.

In recent months, we’ve received the hotel and spa awards from the famous Lux magazine. We’ve also received a rather prestigious certificate of excellence from Acquisition International Magazine. More recently however, our hard work has paid off in the form of yet another certificate of excellence, this time from the fabulous TripAdvisor.

TripAdvisor is of course, a well known review based website which means without your wonderful words, without the fantastic reviews we so regularly receive, this award simply wouldn’t be possible. For that, we thank you. It’s only down to the kind words of yours that we’ve been awarded such a title and we couldn’t be more appreciative.

So what exactly does this award mean, aside from That Amazing Place being an award-winning wedding venue? Well it might help to first explain what the certificate is. The certificate of excellence was actually founded in 2010 specifically to reward hospitality businesses that deliver great service on a consistent basis. This is judged by the reviews given on the TripAdvisor website which means it’s a worldwide recognised certificate. From review ratings, overall ratings and quantity along with recency of reviews; all is considered before the award is given to any establishment. To make you realise just how fantastic this award is, here’s how each hospitality business qualifies:

  • Must maintain an overall TripAdvisor rating of at least four out of five stars
  • Must have a minimum number of reviews (therefore preventing just one great review from allowing someone to qualify)
  • Must have been listed on TripAdvisor for at least twelve months in total

With this in mind, it’s easy to see just how hard it is to receive such an award. In the day and age of social media, with good (and bad) reviews being as easy to leave as it is to drink your first morning coffee, it just highlights the amazing service we provide consistently throughout each year.

So, what else is there to say apart from, thank you to each and every one of you. If you’d like to hold your wedding here at That Amazing Place, an award-winning wedding venue in Essex, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Wedding Budgets 101

Rachel Lyndon Photography

While most dream of an unlimited budget for their wedding day, the vast majority of us realise that’s not quite the case. With that in mind, most spend our time planning weddings simply by shifting one part of the wedding budget from one part for the wedding to another…decided you want more roses? Then pinch a little from your invitation budget. Simple right? Wrong! Tipping the scale in the wrong direction could have dire consequences for your big day. Thankfully, we’ve got the lowdown when it comes to wedding budgets; where to spend and where to save.

Food – food is without doubt a hugely important aspect of any wedding. The problem lies here when people try to create over-adventurous meals that look better than they taste. That’s why we always recommend the fabulous Magpie Catering or Premier Crew who not only create beautiful looking food, but food that tastes amazing thanks to the high quality produce they use and the quality of the produce is most definitely an area in which you don’t want to be scrimping and saving. One way to save a few pennies however, would be to opt for seasonal meals and produce instead of requesting hard to source food, as this can of course mount up in cost.

Decoration – décor is an area in which you can save and splurge at the same time. By this, we mean avoiding overdoing it in numbers but ensuring the decorations you do have look amazing. Focus the decorations in areas your guests will be mingling instead of wasting money on décor in an area that won’t be seen. Think stunning floral arrangements from the likes of Joanne Truby or Gracie Day Designs. Using a quality florist to create fabulous pieces where you need it most can mean saving on cost in terms of “amount” but can mean you splurging on the quality of flower.

Entertainment – while you may be shocked to hear it, entertainment is indeed an area in which you can save simply by taking advantage of our resident DJ’s, the fabulous Piano DJ. These guys are nothing short of amazing and what’s more, very reasonably priced to happy couples saying “I do” right here at That Amazing Place. From a fabulous pianist to an awesome DJ guaranteed to have everyone dancing, Piano DJ really do have it all.

Cake – your wedding cake is something everyone will be looking forward to seeing and no doubt tasting and as a result, is certainly not an area you’re going to want to cut corners. A wedding cake that looks amazing but tastes dreadful is only going to be a disappointment, well after the wedding itself. Ensure you employ a quality company who not only makes a great looking cake but uses the very best ingredients too. Save money but choosing a simple design and then simply decorate it with a few spare blooms from your florist. Simple yet elegant.

We understand planning a wedding, and more importantly sticking to a certain budget isn’t easy but it’s not impossible and with the talents of our events manager Angie, it’ll be easier than you ever thought possible.

Transform Your Wedding Reception Space

Matt Heath Photograhy

Just because your wedding reception is taking place at our country house wedding venue, doesn’t mean you can’t make it your own. Every couple that steps through the door has, in the past, transformed our space. For a glimpse at what’s been done before, simply head on over to our “wedding stories” online. If you’re anything like any other happy couple however, you’ll want to look forward and create something totally different but unless you’re an interior designer, it can be a little hard to picture the transformation of your dreams. Thankfully, we’re here to help with our expert tips and tricks on transforming your wedding reception space at our country house wedding venue.

Hang extra lighting – lighting may seem an obvious choice but much like other décor, there are so many varieties. Simply hanging a little extra lighting than is already there can make a huge difference but it’s down to you just what sort of lighting you have. Will you opt for fairy lights or perhaps a statement light fitting? The choice is yours but ultimately; the right lighting can completely transform your space all by itself.

Matt Heath Photograhy

Bring the outdoors in – this year is all about bringing the outdoors in. While this may sound like hard work, it’s actually super easy as long as you have the right florist on your side. Think small trees, vines and any other greenery that compliments your theme. This will not only accentuate our country house wedding venue’s feel but will give your big day a more natural feel.

Drape the room – regardless of whether the room in question has wallpaper or paint, with the help of drapes you can quite literally create a room within a room. Create a new, dramatic look with the help of luxury fabric that not only matches your wedding colours but creates the sharp, classic look you’re going for. If you’re looking to create a new look on a budget, draping just the ceiling can have just as dramatic an effect as the entire room.

Accent with a little sparkle – there’s nothing quite like a little sparkle to make an occasion feel extra special and your wedding day is no exception, in fact, we don’t know a single bride that doesn’t want to sparkle on their big day. From crystal curtains to dangling centre pieces. Even a metallic sheen for those who don’t want too obvious a sparkle; there are so many options and so many ways to transform a room.

Introduce a lot of candles – candles are the epitome of romance and while many use them, how you display them and what candle you opt for can completely change the atmosphere. From groups of candles of varying heights, to hanging lanterns with tea lights; there are so many options to choose from.

If you’d like more help creating your own transformation here at our exclusive use country house wedding venue, you’ll be pleased to know that our events manager will be happy to help, every step of the way. For more information on our wedding packages, contact us today

Bring Fido With You To Our Dog Friendly Wedding Venue!

dog friendly wedding venue

Weddings are said to be one of the most important days of our lives so it’s only natural that you’d want your nearest and dearest there with you. For a great deal of couples, their “nearest and dearest” also happens to include their four legged, furry friend – their dog. Sadly, a great deal of wedding venues won’t allow your dog with you on your big day. Luckily for you however, here at That Amazing Place, we happen to be a dog friendly wedding venue.

With that in mind, as any owner will know, having your dog with you can mean mischievous behaviour at the best of times. Your wedding day however is the one day you can’t risk Rover doing a runner or stealing food from the buffet. Equally, you don’t want to spend your day keeping an eye on your dog. Thankfully, there’s now a fabulous service in the form of Walkies At Weddings.

dog friendly wedding venue

Walkies At Weddings was created by the wonderful Sally. After her beloved dog Archie died, she decided to give up her job in London and start her own business offering dog walking and doggy daycare services. It was only when a client asked her to bring their dog to their wedding in 2016 that she decided to offer the service for other pup loving couples too. This means for those getting married at our dog friendly wedding venue, they can now enjoy their four legged friend’s company as they say “I do”.

Walkies At Weddings offers three different packages: Gold, Silver and Bronze. The Gold package offers a two night stay with your dog being taken to the wedding, during which time your dog will be brushed, transported to and from your weddings and looked after for the duration. Sally explained that most brides opt for the Gold package as the two nights boarding alleviates a lot of stress, something they don’t exactly need any more of.

What’s more, you can even now have your doggy dressed to perfection to match the rest of your bridal party. Included in their prices are the use of bow ties and sparkly collars. If however, you’d like to arrange your dog to have something more specialised such as a floral collar, or doggy veil, Sally will be more than happy to fit it to your dog on arrival.

Dogs are a major part of people’s lives and if it just so happens to be the case for you, then Walkies At Weddings could be just the service you’re looking for. From having your dog watched, as you walk down the aisle to creating cherished memories as you pose for wedding photos with your favourite furry family member, Walkies At Weddings can help. What’s more, our dog-friendly wedding venue can make it happen for you. For more information contact Sally at Walkies at Weddings!

Picking The Perfect Engagement Ring

engagement rings

Back in the day, picking an engagement ring meant little more than finding a beautiful solitaire diamond and choosing whether to go with yellow or white gold. Today however, choosing an engagement ring can seem as baffling as picking the perfect mortgage over a thirty-five year term. What may seen like the right choice, could be the complete opposite of what your true love has always dreamt of. So, when you’re faced with a decision like this, just how do you ensure you make the right choice? Well, thankfully for you, this Essex wedding venue has seen it all. We’ve seen every single variety of engagement you could even dream of from huge coloured diamonds to cluster rings and even now the very popular halo diamond. So, who else better to offer you advice than the one’s that see a range of rings along with a range of brides passing through their wedding venue every day? Here’s the ultimate guide to perfecting the perfect engagement ring from That Amazing Place, a wedding venue in the heart of Essex;

Choose a budget – just as you would with a wedding venue or a wedding package, it’s important to choose your budget when it comes to an engagement ring. Remember, there’s no hard and fast rule about what you should be spending here. Try not to get caught up in what others tell you about a quarter of your wage etc. Simply spend whatever feels comfortable to you. Don’t forget, if you’re intent on spending more than you have in the bank account, there are always payment options but try not to jump in too deep.

engagement rings

Choose the gemstone – while most will opt for a diamond, don’t forget there are a variety of gemstones out there from sapphires to rubies. It could be that your wife to be would love an emerald surrounded by a halo of diamonds. Try your best to get an idea of this beforehand. While it may sound difficult, it’s rather easy, especially if they have a pinterest board; just look for the ‘engagement ring’ pin board.

Choose a gemstone shape – from princess cut to clusters, there are a multitude of options and once again, it’s down to you to speak with your betrothed and find out what their heart really wants. They may surprise you with something you’d never have picked out for them. While doing a little digging around may be stressful, we guarantee you’ll thank us in the end.

Choose a precious metal – from white gold to rose gold, yellow gold to platinum; the metal you choose will finish off your ring and mean the difference between ‘I do’ and ‘I don’t’ on your big day. The best way to get around this one? Look at the jewellery she’s wearing. Don’t buy her yellow gold if she lives in white gold, after-all, you wouldn’t marry in a city ceremony if she spent her time looking at country house wedding venues like ours would you?

engagement rings

Choose a ring size – last but most certainly not least, choose the right size. The worse thing you can do is choose a ring that’s too small and not be able to place it on her ring finger when she’s said yes! Take a peek at her current jewellery but if you’re unable to do that, it’s time to get imaginative. Is she a deep sleeper? Then place a piece of string around her finger while she’s sleeping…ok ok, so it’s not the best of ideas but it’s something!

If you have any hints, tips or tricks for picking the perfect engagement ring, then let us know in the comments below. Until then, from all of us here at our country house wedding venue, we wish you good luck and can’t wait to see you when you’re part of a newly engaged couple.

Sydney & Aaron Marry At Our Exclusive Use Wedding Venue!

Photography by Jamie Cameron

Photography by Jamie Cameron

As with every couple that passes through That Amazing Place, we’re always blown away by the amount of love for each other they so proudly display yet it has to be said, Sydney and Aaron could very well be the most loving pair we’ve ever met. When asked about their first meeting, Sydney had this to say, “Aaron and I have been together for around 8 years or so. We knew each other at school, admired each other from afar. Aaron was a little older, I would have been too shy to talk to him. I just threw him the odd smile now and again. He has such a beautiful soul; I knew there was something very special about him, even back then.” And so, we bring you our latest ‘real wedding blog’ of Aaron and Sydney, right here at our exclusive-use wedding venue.

Just What Drew Them To Our Exclusive Use Wedding Venue?

Photography by Jamie Cameron

Photography by Jamie Cameron

The Venue – Living in the age of social media, so many of us now choose recommendations from friends so it’s no surprise that Sydney and Aaron actually stumbled across That Amazing Place, our exclusive use wedding venue, all down to a friendly recommendation, “We were actually recommended the venue by a friend. It was the first place we looked at. We came for a viewing, and were welcomed by Paul…the perfect host. It goes without saying, this venue is gorgeous!”

Theme and Colours – Sydney has described herself and Aaron as notoriously last-minute and as a result, their theme simply came together by itself, “Our theme was loose and sort of grew organically as we got closer to the day. We knew we wanted as many friends involved as possible; we are blessed with so many creative people in our lives. So, all music, hair, make-up, flowers, stationary, dresses and suits were all from family and friends. The ‘loose theme’ included traditional British winter, rich reds, vintage 1950’s Jackie Kennedy/Audrey Hepburn and a little Dolce & Gabbana s/s 15 collection.”

Photography by Jamie Cameron

Photography by Jamie Cameron

The Dress – Perhaps one of the most attention grabbing parts of any blushing bride’s day has to be the revealing of the dress and with it giving Sydney, “that feeling” as she describes it, her dress was certainly no exception. The dress itself was made in London by another friendly recommendation, Alan Hannah. Originally she found around four to five dresses that she fell in love with but only one really gave her that special feeling when she put it on, making her feel, “just the best I had ever felt!” But in spite of what the majority may say, a wedding isn’t just about the bride. When it came to the groom and his groomsmen, Ted Baker came to the rescue offering a mixture of separate pieces and differing textures with Sydney explaining that the fabulous mixture, “just seemed to sum up Aaron’s personality really. Great quality and individual pieces.”

With a traditional, heart-warming British theme for food and flower arrangements created by Sydney’s mother, this really was a truly British, traditional wedding and we couldn’t have been more pleased to play host here at That Amazing Place, an exclusive use wedding venue.