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You’re Engaged. So What Now?


You’re Engaged. So What Now?

So, your one true love has finally popped the question and you’ve never felt so happy in your entire life; the question is, you’re engaged, so what now?

Well first and foremost, it’s time to take a breath. This is a huge moment in anyone’s life, agreeing to spend the rest of your life with just one person and no doubt something that won’t necessarily hit you straight away. You need to give this time to sink in. Grab your friends, family or even your dog and take some time away from the engagement train. Grab a manicure, enjoy a lunch or simply take Fido for a few extended walks in your favourite place. Try not to worry about your wedding planning and instead, simply indulge in the moment. Then of course, it’s on to who to tell first and how to tell them. Are you the sort of person who likes to make announcements or would you rather tell your loved ones in a more intimate manner? Don’t forget, you could, like many, use this as a way of holding that much needed family gathering and telling everyone at the same time.

Marriage, (that’s the part after the wedding) takes two people and of course, a lot of big decisions along the way so it’s worth discussing your wants and needs from the day itself with each other. What are you both searching for on your big day? We’re talking absolutely everything from general feel and look to the specifics such as location, venue and even the food. Try brainstorming sessions together, making the wedding planning much more exciting and importantly, collaborative.

Budget is another area in which struggles can arise and as such, after an adequate amount of time of indulging in the glory of your engagement, budgets need to be discussed. This should be discussed first and foremost. While some may have saved for their big day, others may have to start saving from the day they say “yes” so budgets will always be a topic of discussion worth taking some time over. With this often awkward subject out of the way however, you can get back to enjoying those super special moments that come with a new engagement.

Last but most certainly not least, we suggest you keep an open mind, when it comes to all aspects of your big day. From the venue to the budget, your guest list and of course, the big day itself; things can change and as such, it’s important to remember the reason you’re doing it. It’s not a day for show and tell, it’s a day to declare your love for one another and really, when all’s said and done, that’s the most important thing right? For more information on our country house wedding venue, and how we can help you not only enjoy your engagement, but enjoy a wedding day you never thought possible, contact us today.


Grooms…it’s time to start wedding planning!

wedding planning

If you’re reading this, then you’ve already taken the biggest step when it comes to wedding planning, you’ve sought the help and advice of someone in the know. Now, here at That Amazing Place, we aren’t afraid of blowing our own trumpet every now and then. We’ve been hosting weddings for happy couples here at our country manor house, from up and down the country for quite some time now and as such, have gained some invaluable knowledge when it comes to wedding planning itself. We know that a great deal of brides take on much of the organisation however, grooms are becoming more and more involved so we thought we’d share a few wedding planning tips for the grooms out there to make things easier on the bride and help with that all-important big day!

Let’s get suited and booted – so many men think they’ll walk into a shop, grab a suit to buy or hire and that’s it. They do however, usually find themselves pleasantly surprised at the array of different styles available. For some, one style and/or colour will jump out immediately, for others however, it can feel a little daunting. This is where going to the right place will help.

Tinker, tailor…you catch the drift – going to a professional will make this process so much easier. Not only will you have access to some of the best designs out there but you’ll also be privy to a well-trained eye who’ll be able to point you in the right direction when it comes to dressing your shape, height and size. Nothing says perfectly finished groom quite like a professionally dressed man. Lastly, we know there’s always a great debate when it comes to whether to hire or buy. Just remember, choosing to buy your groom’s suit doesn’t mean you can’t hire them for your groomsmen.

What about your wedding ring – it’s a question asked by many grooms, whether you’ll be wearing a wedding ring or not. While some choose not to, others absolutely want to. If you are, then you need to decide whether you’d like having coordinating rings with your partner or having a ring of your own personal choice. You also need to make sure you buy your rings in plenty of time to allow for any size adjustments necessary. No one wants to be fumbling at the alter with a ring that’s too small or too big for that matter.

Speech! Speech! – while a bride always seems to escape this nerve-wracking task, the groom must make a speech, whether it’s a short, sharp and to the point effort or a longer, more in-depth heartfelt speech. Depending on the type of person you are, you’ll want to plan in plenty of time. For those who find public speaking easy, then an off-the-cuff effort may be just the ticket but be sure to jot down a few notes to show yourself an order in which you’ll want to make your thanks and references.

For more information on wedding planning, where to start and what to focus on, contact us today at That Amazing Place, the finest country house wedding venue in Essex.

Wedding Trends Of 2018

Phil Lynch Photography

The end of 2017 is fast approaching which means not only another year of weddings behind, but another year of weddings ahead of us and with a new year, comes new trends that we need to keep on top of. While there will of course be a wonderful array of wedding traditions we’ll always want to stick to, they’ll also be some fabulously new trends to take note of so let’s take a look.

Floral trends – next year’s focus looks to be about the vessels as well as the flowers themselves. From vintage to new pieces, coloured glass to geometric shapes and even concrete vessels. Remember, the bolder the better, so think pastel colours with a punch of colour, that’s if you want to play it safe anyway. 2018 will also be seeing a whole new take on romantic flowers too with flowers adorning more minimal gowns and veils. Think whimsical and you’re half way there. Last but not least, we’ll be seeing a rise in wedding wreaths as their popularity soars, becoming the alternative decoration of the year. Wispy grasses, eucalyptus and even wild flowers will make a lasting impression on your guests.

New food – modern couples are choosing to avoid the traditional three-course set menu and are instead opting for foods they love from sharing platters to food vans and even things such as portable pizza ovens. It’s safe to say that wedding food is certainly changing and will see an even bigger change in the year ahead. We also believe you’ll see a huge rise in alternative options such as Japanese, Indian and even Mexican inspired foods; think sushi, curries and burritos.

Invitations – invitations will certainly be getting a lot more creative as the year evolves, with designs becoming more elaborate. From the choice of material used such as fabric, Perspex and even more natural choices such as stone and wood. Then it lies in the designs that sit upon the new materials.

Black accents – for some, the idea of incorporating black into your big day seems almost sinful but black accents will most definitely be making a more prominent appearance this year and for good reason to. From a monochrome twist in terms of ribbon on your flowers to black accents on your wedding dress, there are so many ways in which you can incorporate a black accent. If you’re struggling however, take inspiration from the amazing Vera Wang.

Shorten the guest list – weddings used to be a very large affair but 2018 weddings will see a shrinkage in the size of guests. Weddings are undoubtedly becoming smaller with many couples opting to leave off distant relatives they haven’t seen for years. Intimate gatherings are taking the lead because not only does it mean the budget stretches further but you get to spend the cash on the areas you really want to instead of catering for extra seats.

If you’d like more information on our intimate weddings simply jump online today.

A Wedding Videographer – The New Must-Have

That Amazing Place wedding venue Harlow Essex | wedding photographer – Scott Miller photography

If you follow our blog or social media platforms, then you’ll probably know already that we’ve used wedding videographers in the past. We’ve had a number of happy couples document their big day on video as well as with a regular wedding photographer, yet in spite of this, so many seem unaware of this amazing new option available to them.

We understand that having a videographer film your wedding may not be for everyone but for some, it really could be the best decision you make. When it comes to actually booking one however, it can be a hard call to make. Luckily for you we have the “who” sorted as we have an array of wedding videographers listed on our suppliers page. Right now, however, we’re going to clarify the “why”.

What would a Wedding Videographer add to my day?

Ask any bride or groom what they remember most about their day and we guarantee they’ll tell you it raced by so quickly, in such a blur that they struggle to remember everything. There will always be things that you’ll miss such as the arrival of the groom, the arrival of the bridesmaids or you may even wonder about your own entrance from your wedding guests’ perspective. A wedding videographer however, will catch all of this…and more.

It may not be a necessity, especially when taking into consideration your wedding budget however, a professionally produced wedding film is without doubt the ultimate way of encapsulating your entire day from everyone’s perspective. Think of it as a kaleidoscope of memories from visual to sound that you can share with family, friends and yourself for years to come.

While photographs are an incredibly important aspect of your wedding day, priceless in fact, a wedding video is something you’ll find captures the spontaneous moments that photos may not have done. There’s no denying the fact that the first look back a couple will have on their wedding will be nothing short of magical so to have that on film would be even more spectacular. Who wouldn’t want to watch their big day back in all its glory and relive such a special moment in time?

Expression Photography

Will a wedding video fit within my budget?

Wedding budgets are there for a reason. They stop us spending way beyond our limit and remind us to spread the cost of different suppliers evenly and fairly. Fitting everything into your budget can therefore be quite the tricky task and may lead you to asking yourself whether you want a wedding video or not. Investing money into a wedding photographer or wedding videographer is of course hugely important. Having at least one will ensure you capture those important memories on your day however, you may have to ask yourself which of the two you’d prefer. Simply ask yourself whether having good quality photos or a professional film is more important to you.

There’s no exact science to it all; no way to find out which would be better for you however, there are of course ways around it. A number of happy couples here at That Amazing Place have chosen wedding videographers and simply asked guests to take photos with the disposable cameras lying around the venue that they’ve strategically placed. For more information on the wedding videographers we’d recommend or for ways to help decide, simply contact us today guys.

Picking A Wedding Photographer

Unlike other aspects of your wedding, a wedding photographer isn’t something you can hear, smell or taste beforehand which makes picking the perfect photographer all the more daunting. It’s for this reason that careful research and selectiveness when it comes to skills and artistic style are hugely important when picking a wedding photographer. To make things easier, we thought we’d share our top tips…we hope this helps.

Decide on a style – before you start researching wedding photographers, it’s certainly worth thinking about the style you’re going for. This will help narrow down the search hugely and make things so much easier for you. So, what styles do we have? Well there’s documentary that offers a more candid and spontaneous insight. Instead of a series of posed photographs, you’ll receive more raw photos of guests digging into their food, laughing at the bar and dancing the night away on the dance floor with champagne in hand. These photos capture the moments as they happen, exactly as they happened too and they’ll tell a real time story. Then we have portraiture for those who prefer a classic portrait. This is much more traditional and ideal for those wanting posed shots against various backdrops. There is however, a little room for creativity within this style and the photographer will generally pick some fab spots during the ceremony or afterward for a few more relaxed shots, captured off guard to compliment the more formal shots. If you want something really different then we suggest you take a peek at some edgy and bold photography. Think of photos outside of the box, tilted angles and less than conventional framing; so instead of straight on shots of you saying “I do”, they may be tilted and offer a different angle entirely with a particular object such as a candle or flower taking centre stage.

Paul Grace Photography

Do your homework – it always pays to start your search by looking at previous interviews from recent happy couples as well as browsing local listings. Carefully review their websites and of course their previous work, as this will not only give you a greater insight into their style but their level of expertise too. You might also be able to pick up a few hints about their personality through the layout and choice of photos on their website. Is there feedback from clients on their Facebook page? What are their responses like? All of this is very telling and worth noting down.

Set up interviews – it’s hugely important to meet in person as a decision as important as this cannot be made on looks alone. If you like their website and their previous work then ask if they’re available on your wedding date and if so, meet for an interview. Be prepared to chat about the venue, its location, the greatest aspects of the venue and what you envision for your photos. Can they achieve the look? Are they happy to travel to your location etc. All of this is incredibly important.

Now of course, these are just a few hints and tips. We could quite literally chatter all day about what to consider but at the end of it all, it’s about how you feel. Do you get on with the photographer? Do you like their work and of course, are they available to attend your venue on your date? For our own recommendations of photographers, simply take a peek at our list of suppliers where you’ll find photographers who’ve not only worked at our venue before but have created some fabulous memories for happy couples too.

Spring Wedding Ideas

Essex wedding venue

Paul Grace Photography

If you’d have asked yourself when you were younger what your favourite season was, no doubt you’d have chosen summer. Everyone loved the bright colours that inevitably came out, the warmer weather and of course let’s not forget school holidays. Fast forward to adulthood however, and we guarantee a fair few of you may have a different answer. It seems as we get older, our love of seasons can often change and we’re finding more and more, it’s reflected in the months people choose to say “I do”. Summer weddings will of course always be popular as people do their best to pin their hopes on the fickle British weather and let’s not forget a winter wedding; can we guarantee some snow? Here at That Amazing Place however, we’re starting to see that many are now opting for spring weddings. The pastel colours that we once disliked as a child appear to take on an entirely new appeal and what’s more, the cool air and refreshing sunlight that begins to peek out after a bleak winter looks all the more special. Which brings us to today’s piece in which we thought we’d focus on Spring Wedding Ideas (without those 90’s flashbacks) for your nuptials this spring at That Amazing Place.

Go Green – while spring is of course Peony season, flowers like this can often prove quite expensive so opting for arrangements that are mostly greenery can often be more affordable. They tend to look a lot more modern too. If you really want a glimpse of seasonal flowers, perhaps take a look at anemones, ranunculus and even tulips. Simple yet elegant.

Try Brunch – obviously you can host a brunch style wedding at any time of year but spring and brunch do very much go together. You’ll also find brunch foods are slightly more affordable too but don’t just take our word for it. Check out the fabulous lot at Magpie Catering or Premier Crew Hospitality.

Get Exciting With Your Pastels – we don’t mean you need to start dressing like an Easter basket! Think about spicing things up a little so stick with muted colours such as greyish purples instead of bright lavender and perhaps avoid the obvious yellows. You can also give yourself and your bridesmaids a much edgier appeal with rougher hair and flowers.

Flowers, Flowers Everywhere – it’s hard to avoid flowers when having a spring wedding and let’s face it, they are beautiful but that doesn’t mean you have to be obvious with it. Try placing your flowers in unexpected places that are really high-impact like the aisle runner during the ceremony and even the windows, at the bar. The options are endless. You could even try placing edible flowers on your desserts because let’s face it, flowers turn absolutely anything in décor.

Spring weddings really are a thing of beauty, as the cold weather starts to take a warmer turn and flowers begin to bloom; there’s nothing quite like it. For more information on our Spring wedding availability, simply contact us today.